Why Retail Companies Should Focus On Nonverbal Behavior Of Shoppers

Why Retail Companies Should Focus On Nonverbal Behavior Of Shoppers

Vestibulum in gravida erat. Pellentesque eu erat sed odio tempor dignissim fermentum non turpis. Curabitur eu massa id ex placerat interdum a non erat. Proin egestas porta malesuada. Nulla facilisi. Mauris ornare pharetra nibh, id dignissim leo mollis et. Curabitur dignissim eu sem non vulputate. Vivamus et quam viverra, sagittis ante non, efficitur magna. Nulla facilisi. Sed at dolor eu orci porttitor tempus.

shopper on a retailer shop

Engaging a shopper on the retail floor

Engaging A Shopper On The Retail Floor The retail industry in the past decade has not only faced exponential growth but also tough competition from online stores. The personnel on the retail floor, serving as the “first line of interaction” in the retail industry, now need to have a lot more than just operational knowledge…