Corporate Training

Wish to explore how nonverbal communication can give your leadership teams an advantage through workshops? Select from a wide variety of workshop modules which can be executed in person or online over a short session or longer engagements, as per your requirement and suitability. Browse our workshop modulesWatch the video to get more Insight WHAT…

Coaching Services

Coaching services by Simply Body Talk includes tailored leadership development for senior leaders and high potentials. We work one-on-one with you, on your goals and challenges, sharpening your strengths and helping you on areas for development. Together we create a strong and trusting partnership that will allow you to gain greater self-awareness, tap into your…

Consultancy Services

We provide our expertise in the field of nonverbal communication for insights on geo political events, television shows, media stories, investment into start up teams, negotiation insights to name a few. Explore a few ways in which we work with different organisations here. Want to know how we can add value?BOOK FREE CONSULTATION

Profile Shoots

All pics by our photographers Profile shoots for CEOs, senior managers, PR personnel and established business owners for the perfect body language in your media portfolio. Use our services to 1. Highlight your personality2. Impact with nonverbals3. Perfect your PR communicationWhy UsSimply Body Talk is a company set up in 2013 with a focus on…

Body Language Tip cards

We just made learning more fun!!Do you wish to take your communication to the next level by maximising your nonverbal communication? Do you wish to be an influencer, be it within your social circle, work place, or when with your clients? All this, when you don’t have time to take learning sessions but can do…

Online Course – Body Language for Beginners

Introducing a comprehensive online course with lifetime access to master the nonverbal science of communication and the art of understanding others better. Titled “Body Language for Beginners” available on our Eclass Website. Watch demo videos here Why take this courseHave you wondered how to leave lasting impressions on people be your clients, at your workplace, at…

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