A workshop enabling Women to become powerful communicators and also perceptive observers.


We will be discussing ways in which women can appear naturally confident when they get ready to join at a managerial level which requires not only technical skills but also people management skills and responsibility for leading teams. There are lots of traits that are natural strengths for women. We would be discussing all those which fall under the umbrella of nonverbal communication and equip women to become leaders impactfully by harnessing this tool. It is not our aim to conduct a motivational talk or discuss discrepancies due to gender differences.

difficulty level



Eight hours


In Person


  • Females getting ready to take up senior leadership roles
  • Females who want to learn strategies that increase their power in the corporate world
  • Females rejoining the workforce at senior positions

content covered

  • Communicating the image of a total professional

  • How to vary dominance as per situation

  • Strategies for getting your ideas heard in meetings

  • Effectively Handling Confrontation, Conflict and Other Uncomfortable Situations

  • Analyses of successful business leaders

  • How to overcome the Indian Display rules for women

  • Becoming emotionally intelligent to handle one’s stress

  • Leading teams tactfully using the correct nonverbal strategies

  • Powerful skills to present confidently


  • Highly engaging in nature, encouraging every attendee to participate
  • As always, we will use relevant video clips for discussion of the subject.
  • Tips shared are universal; gender and culture agnostic
  • We will be using elaborate role plays, each one will get a chance to play a specific situation in a role play.Post the role play, the discussion would be around the situation as well as the nonverbals which were used by the volunteers and how these could have been changed if required.
  • Feedback is also given on what works for each of them, again specific to the activity in which they participate.

workshop giveaways

Certificate of participation will be given to all attendees
Feedback will be provided during role plays on individual's body language
We will be giving a kit for continuous learning to all participants

Let's start the conversation!!

Corporate training

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