Aligning objectives of the team with the organisations culture and goals and to equip team managers to drive their teams more efficiently 


Seasoned negotiators often use elaborate negotiation and power play techniques in order to not reveal their true intentions. But paying close attention to their nonverbal behaviour can go a long way in understanding what they are thinking about, the power dynamics in the room, what could be an item of interest and so on. And a sharp observer can use his understanding of these cues to put the best deal on the table or connect really well with his fellow negotiators.

So it’s time to add nonverbal tools to your kitty and negotiate the best deal for yourself or your organization!

difficulty level



Eight hours


In Person


  • Team managers and leaders
  • Ideal during changes in organisation structure or culture

content covered

  • Understanding the org. values

  • Dissecting values of your team

  • Bonding the team

  • Aligning team and personal values with org

  • Promoting cross collaboration

  • Motivating through body language

  • Pillars for success

  • Being a Role Model

  • Demonstration through actions

  • Handling attrition tactfully


  • Highly engaging in nature, encouraging every attendee to participate
  • As always, we will use relevant video clips for discussion of the subject.
  • Tips shared are universal; gender and culture agnostic
  • We will be using elaborate role plays during the day to see how nonverbal communication plays out in actual Leadership scenarios.
  • Participants will be given specific leadership strategies and then guided how to intertwine different styles of leadership, strategies and body language all in one setup.

workshop giveaways

Certificate of participation will be given to all attendees
Feedback will be provided during role plays on individual's body language
We will be giving a kit for continuous learning to all participants

Let's start the conversation!!

Corporate training

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