5 Tips for closing sales effectively
For a successful sale to take place, closing the sale at the right time is crucial. How would you know when your counterpart or client is liking or not liking your sales pitch? Whether they are ready to close the deal or you need to give them more details? Do you know what all their body language tells you? How can you read their body language and take corrective action using your own body language and/or words? Do you want to know the various ways in which people use body language in sales so that you can close your deals faster? Some of the ways you can tweak your body language depending on what your client is communicating to you?
We end up communicating with almost everyone. While interacting with people face to face one can understand their body language very effectively. In a sales meeting we can know whether the client trusts you or not. Also you can effectively communicate your points to clients by using effective gestures. This will help the client understand clearly and also establish rapport with them quickly.
In a sales meeting, the client’s body language keeps on changing as it exactly shows what the client is thinking or feeling. Do you know when you observe your clients body language you can know whether they were liking or not liking what you were saying. How can this help you? You can observe and understand their body language and tweak your pitch accordingly. The most important thing is to know when to tweak your body language.
So they are ways in which your client will give you indications using their body language. Let’s see what these are.
When you are pitching your client about your product or service and if your client likes anything particular about what you are saying or any specific product, they would indicate that using their body language. How? Observe the image above if this is something that your client is doing it shows that they are interested. What is the body language like? The client would come closer as they are interested in knowing more. They would lean towards you which is their way of saying that they are with you. If you are observing these signals, it will help you to exactly know what the client is interested in and also close your deal. A win-win situation for both you and your client. This is one signal. There are lots other signals that the client would be using, the idea is to identify what the client is liking in your pitch and use that to your advantage.
Not always the client will be with you or there will be points the client may not like what you are saying. They show this as well through their body language. They may close by going away from you or put barriers as you could see from the above picture. Observe carefully and think what are the barriers in the above picture. So, the barriers could be in the form of things around them or sometimes they themselves may create barriers. The client will indicate when they are not listening to you or don’t like what you are saying then they show using their body language. What is crucial for you is to observe these signals from their body language. And be able to understand exactly what you can do about this.
Would you want them to open up or keep going on what you are saying? Or maybe you want to explain further and check if the client starts opening up. How you decide to respond usually should depend on what you understand about the client’s personality and how strong the body language of dislike is.
The client also gives you reactions when they are listening to and responding either verbally or through their body language. This will help you to know when the client was listening. Also, what feature or product the client is more interested in than others. They may be giving you verbal reactions or nods to show they are listening to you. More importantly, what are they thinking or feeling at that particular time which are crucial tells. Observing them and responding actively is essential for you. Observe the image above and what do you think she is trying to tell by her body language. Is she listening to you or not? Should you continue speaking or let her speak?
One thing is giving your best possible pitch and closing your deal or leaving an everlasting impression on your client. But not always it’s a good strategy to keep on talking. As there are times when the client is not listening to you due to various reasons. Sometimes in the flow of speaking, you may not even realise that you went overboard. Being confident is one thing but overconfidence can backfire. Or maybe the client has already accepted what you are selling and hence they are not listening to you. Whatever you say at this particular moment the client is not paying attention and won’t even value what you are saying. Thus observing your client will help you know whether you need to continue or you need to stop.
Next time for your sales meeting try and observe your client and close your deal successfully. For knowing the how and what to observe you can learn various tricks that we have discussed above. To learn the strategies in greater detail, know what are different body language tells of clients and what you can do about them, you can enrol for our course Secrets to Closing Sales.