Hacks for First Impressions you definitely want to remember
When was the last time you wanted to create a powerful impression in front of your client or your senior or even your team members? Can you think of an instance where you almost made or failed to make a great first impression? Do you wish to improve your first impression that people make of you? Why do you think first impressions matter? Does it create any impact? Yes, first impressions do matter as people will remember you on the basis of the kind of first impression they form of you. Do read further to start creating an everlasting impression right away.
An essential of forming a first impression is your dressing. The attire you wear can itself help people form a first impression the way you want to. Have you observed people tweaking their dressing to form a first impression? Normally whenever we think of Mark Zuckerberg, we remember him wearing his favourite attire.
But do you know there are times where he has also tweaked his dressing style. Why do we need to tweak your dressing? How does it help? Does it help? Yes, tweaking your dressing helps to connect with people easily. Also, rapport gets established more easily and quickly. So next time remember whether you are going for an interview or going to meet your client to tweak your dressing.
The client also gives you reactions when they are listening to and responding either verbally or through their body language. This will help you to know when the client was listening. Also, what feature or product the client is more interested in than others. They may be giving you verbal reactions or nods to show they are listening to you. More importantly, what are they thinking or feeling at that particular time which are crucial tells. Observing them and responding actively is essential for you. Observe the image above and what do you think she is trying to tell by her body language. Is she listening to you or not? Should you continue speaking or let her speak?
We all do some form or the other form of greeting when we meet someone. But do you know the kind of greeting you do can help in a big time to form a great first impression? How so? When you are doing a handshake giving a firm handshake is very essential. Another important part of the greeting is maintaining effective eye contact and giving the person a warm smile.
Whenever you think of the queen what is clearly remembered is how she used to match her outfit. This was her signature style that she used to create her first impression over the years. Do you know even you can form a great impression without saying anything? The way you form a first impression may vary depending on your personality, style or the kind of first impression you want to form. So, this may vary. Depending on your attire, greeting or your posture or even your walking style, your communication can happen nonverbally and still be impactful.
One of the reasons why first impressions matter is that they help people to trust you. This helps in building effective rapport. But do you know there would be times when we form first impressions which may or not be accurate? How to avoid this and still form good first impressions. Try and observe carefully and not misjudge any information. Observe very carefully and objectively before forming a first impression
So next time you want to impress your client or your seniors or your interviewer remember the points that we have mentioned and tweak your dressing accordingly. For learning in detail how to tweak or when to tweak different factors that play a role in creating great first impressions, don’t forget to check out our course Master your First Impressions.