This workshop aims to teach those who face media interviews frequently to be aware of their body language, especially during the tough times.


Reading content off your prepared script can work only if you are delivering an item to the press to be printed. In all other circumstances, nonverbal communication can play a crucial role in conveying the right message to your audience, be it the press reporters or the final media viewers. And not all interviews are similar in nature. Which means, as an astute communications personnel, you need to be able to tweak your nonverbal cues as required per situation. Being aware of your own body language, learning the tricks of nature of interviews, understanding your reactions to stress, all these are important markers which we uncover in this course.

difficulty level



Four hours


In Person


  • Senior leaders
  • CEOs
  • Media heads

content covered

  • Science of first impressions
  • Busting common myths of communication

  • Presentation challenges

  • Connecting with the audience

  • Tackling the Q&A

  • Tweaking strategy to suit the type of interview

  • Behaviour under stress

  • Case Study discussions

  • What interviewer’s body language reveals


  • Highly engaging in nature, encouraging every attendee to participate
  • As always, we will use relevant video clips for discussion of the subject.
  • Tips shared are universal; gender and culture agnostic
  • We will be using elaborate role plays during the day to see how nonverbal communication plays out in actual interview scenarios.
  • We will be preparing different media interview scenarios for all participants. The video would be recorded during the session and given to the participants so that they can replay the strategies which would be discussed with them on the day of the workshop.

workshop giveaways

Certificate of participation will be given to all attendees
Feedback will be provided during role plays on individual's body language
We will be giving a kit for continuous learning to all participants

Let's start the conversation!!

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