Starting to Read Body Language

As humans, we learnt to communicate much earlier than we learnt to speak formal languages. That is why most of us have the ground level skills required in deciphering what other people are saying through their signs and gestures. There are some who have become masters of reading other people’s body language and have written…

Hand Shakes

Power Plays Using Hand Shakes

Power Plays During Handshakes You would often see politicians pose in front of cameras while greeting each other with a handshake. You can observe all sorts of power struggles if you watch these few seconds of cameras clicking closely. Right from who stands on the left side of the picture frame to offering the double…

Tips of Perfect Hand Shake

Tips for the perfect Handshake

 Tips For Perfect Handshake In the Indian setting, most of us are taught by our parents how to get the social greeting of Namaste right. The handshake, frequently used in business scenarios, generally never gets this formal introduction. Getting your handshake right is usually critical since it can save you hours of otherwise trying to…

Best Types of Handshakes

Best Types of Handshakes

BEST TYPES OF HANDSHAKES A handshake is perhaps the first sign of communication when a person meets one on one. The way you shake your hands says a lot about who you are and in what frame of mind you are about to attend the meeting. Different Types of Handshakes are used commonly in informal…

Simply Body Talk- Body Language Study

Why Body Language makes an interesting study

Why Body Language Makes An Interesting Study “Fie, fie upon her! There’s language in her eye, her cheek, her lip, Nay, her foot speaks; her wanton spirits look out At every joint and motive of her body.” – William Shakespeare When a person tries to communicate, consciously or unconsciously his body gives out signals. For…