Elon Musk On Saturday Night Live – Why It Cost Him Billions
Elon Musk on Saturday Night Live
Experimenting is great, especially for entrepreneurs, since that is one quality that helps them think and explore ideas that stretch beyond the ordinary realm of thinking. What how far is too far? When Elon appeared on SNL the famous American late-night live television as a host, much is spoken and written about. The most trending newsflash is how his net worth has dipped a shocking $20 billion post hosting the show. Some even booed him to be the worst host of the show ever. So what went so wrong as to backfire for this experimental entrepreneur? Let’s analyze how he hosted the show by focusing on his body language.
Does he present himself as he usually does for his business presentations, product launches, event discussions, or was there something different this time? And if it was different, how different?
Creating an impact right at the start helps in connecting with the audience. We see Elon here with a much closed body frame making him look not very confident- hands sticking close to body, locked hands not opening up in the conversation and so on. In fact, throughout the interview we don’t see him opening up his body to the audience.
The hand gesture spotted here is called a Steeple which generally signifies that the person is confident of their thoughts. Here but it’s not working as it is also not matching with his overall body language. Those who attempt to consciously “correct” their body language or put on specific deliberate gestures need to know in what context this can work, and where not. Just one random gesture which does not match with the rest of the behaviour cannot fool the audience.
Throughout the video, Elon is seen shifting his weight and putting it on one side, just like seen in the above image. Creating a distraction for the audience due to unnecessary movement. We also see him exaggerating and overdoing comedy making him look less comical.
Given the context of the show, Elon tries being a host who is excited and comical. Throughout the show he keeps on swinging here and there. This behaviour is unlike his usual personality, and as he has not practiced it enough the body language required for being that excited and comical is not coming naturally to him, thus looking as if he is going overboard. This attempt thus has clearly worked against him.
His body language shows that he has no clue of what’s going on in the show or he thinks he is in the wrong place. Here we see him hiding his neck also called as turtle neck which shows that he is very nervous or embarrassed. He is also showing open palms as if he has nothing to hide. Or suggesting that “I am not responsible for whatever is happening here.”
Elon here is seen experiencing discomfort as there is a shoulder shrug on one side. This happens when the person is unsure or doesn’t believe in what he is saying. Also observe how he has closed his hand another indication of discomfort.
Elon is using hand gestures at a level that his audience can’t see, losing audience attention and interest. He doesn’t maintain eye contact effectively with his audience. Eye contact helps to connect with the audience as they know you are talking to them by paying attention to them.
Looking elsewhere as to not sure whether to make an understanding to what he just heard.
This is how body language reveals what the person is thinking or feeling. All in all, Elon was not that effective as a host, as he had not anticipated or practiced for the event enough. Tweaking one’s body language is the key to being an effective presenter, no matter what be the setting.
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